Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Until the dismal WWE reboot of the series in 2014, Leprechaun In The Hood was indisputably the worst movie in the Leprechaun franchise. Yes, even worse than Leprechaun In Space, and that’s a film which nearly killed some of the people who watched it. I’m pretty sure that if they remade A Clockwork Orange today, one of the movies they would force the hapless Alex to sit through as part of his torture/reprogramming would be Leprechaun In The Hood. That’s because, even if poor Alex somehow managed to feebly cling to some small remnant of his mind after making it all the way through the flick, Leprechaun In The Hood still has one last mental groin punch to deliver right before the end credits roll which is designed to shatter the sanity of even the strongest of men. Watch, if you dare…

Now, you can’t really blame Warwick Davis for going along with this travesty. After all, with his Ewok gig having dried up (or has it) and his stint on Harry Potter not due for a couple more years, the Leprechaun movies were probably his only steady income at the time. Then again, maybe this was some sort of preemptive purgatory for the cheap shots Davis would later take at Catholicism on his show, Life’s Too Short. Who knows?

Either way, the real villains here are, obviously, the writers of the film. Is there any doubt they must have truly hated all mankind? Still, at least they didn’t try to hide their badness. Their intentions were right there in the lyrics. “Lep in the Hood, come to do no good. Lep in the Hood, come to do no good.” That’s some truth in advertising right there, folks.

It makes you wonder if they were even trying by this point in the series, or if they were just cashing a paycheck? If it was the latter, then it’s quite possible they were guilty of being slothful. No, really. Fr. John Hardon’s Pocket Catholic Dictionary defines sloth as "sluggishness of soul or boredom because of the exertion necessary for the performance of a good work. The good work may be a corporal task, such as walking; or a mental exercise, such as writing; or a spiritual duty, such as prayer."

See, if it’s their job to write and they don’t even put in the effort to try and make it good, that’s sloth. Of course, if they really were trying and they just failed, that’s an entirely different thing. In fact, we tend to celebrate that kind of failure around these parts. Only God knows which one it was. All we know for sure is that this is the moment that finally killed the Leprechaun franchise.

At least until 2014 when the WWE dug it up and killed it again.

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